Creating a safe and secure workplace

We build toward a culture of safety so that all employees in the Aisan group can work happily in safe and secure workplace environment.

Safety dojo

In factory safety dojo's, we work towards realizing the importance of observing rules for improving awareness and anticipating hazards.

Continuing no accident time

We work toward continuing no accident time in each factory.

Creating a healthy workplace

We believe that the health of mind and body for each employee is the basis for demonstrating individuality and ability at their peak, and leads to the source of energy for work motivation and corporate development. We work on creating healthy workplaces.

Health challenges

With the officers in charge and the Safety Health Promotion Center at the center, we promote activities that raise awareness for the health of the whole company and activities for workplace stimulation with the Health Insurance Association and labor unions together as one.

Work-life balance

We are performing system maintenance and are taking measures while incorporating the needs of our employees to promote the acquisition of plans for paid leave, setting "regular work day hours," introducing a flextime system, "classrooms for promoting health" using sports centers, etc. In addition, we are working toward the development of an environment in order to work flexibly.

Human resources development (mindset)

We work toward the development of human resources who can play active roles on a global scale while responding to environmental changes.

Aisan Academy

Aisan Academy is an authorized vocational training school in offices based on the Human Resources Development Promotion Act. For one year, the students acquire skills, knowledge and a sense toward humanity so that they will become a core of their workplace as engineers in the future.

Global Training Center

Global Training Center (GTC) was established for the purpose of independent support in overseas locations. Staff who learned working practices in Aisan have played active roles as a core in each location.


We aim to create an enjoyable workplace with a fun atmosphere, and strive to improve communications through a variety of events.

Social mixers for people taking care of children

For employees during childcare leave, we hold a social mixer for people taking care of children every year. After finishing childcare, company veterans and those who are experienced working at a previous company participate in the social mixers, and give advice regarding returning to work, childcare, etc.

In-house sports festival

In-house sports festival has been brought back as a part of improving workplace communication. Each workplace aimed for victory and took part in close contests. We organized the event so that employees can have fun together with their families.